ミュージアムサイエンス2004 vol.3
東京国立博物館は日本をはじめ、東アジアから中東・エジプトにかけての、紀元前1 万数千年から現代までに及ぶ考古遺物、美術工芸品、考古遺物、歴史資料、民族資料などさまざまな文化財を保管しており、その用途や形態、材質は多岐にわたっています。
また、当館では、文化財の保存修復活動について広く知っていただくために「東京国立博物館コレクションの保存と修理」と題した特集陳列を毎年開催し、本年で5 回目を数えます。今回は、平成15 年度に修理した文化財171 件のなかから26 件を展示します。本書は、陳列品のなかから6 件を選び、その修理について写真と解説で構成しました。

2004 年10 月東京国立博物館

ミュージアムサイエンス2004 2
The Tokyo National Museum stores various types of cultural properties including works of fine and applied art as well as archaeological, historic and ethnographic objects that represent a vast area, extending from East Asia to the Middle East and Egypt, and time span, from over ten and several thousand years BC to the present.
Moreover, the use, configuration and materials of these cultural properties are also quite varied.
With the passage of time, cultural properties become subject to unavoidable changes due to abrasion, creasing, cracking, exfoliation, discoloration and corrosion.
In order to prevent such types of deterioration as much as possible, it is necessary to examine and maintain the environment of conservation facilities including exhibition rooms and storages. In addition, damaged objects require restoration. The Museum, in view of these goals, continues to conduct earnest research in the analysis of the conditions of conservation and the conservation environment, selection of restoration techniques and materials, and analysis of the structure and materials of cultural properties.
In addition, the Museum also holds an annual special exhibition entitled onservation and Restoration of the Tokyo National Museum Collection.n this 5th exhibition, 26 items from a total of 171 restored during fiscal year 2003 are exhibited.
This catalogue provides explanation of conservation in general and of the restoration of 6 of the items on exhibit.
We sincerely hope that this special exhibition and catalogue may contribute to an understanding of the conservation and restoration of cultural properties in the Museum.

October 2004
Tokyo National Museum
Museum Science 2004 3